Mesajul lui Neil LaBute către Constantin Chiriac

Dramaturgul Neil LaBute, invitat la ediția din acest an a FITS, a fost în public ieri la spectacolul ”Jocuri, vorbe, greieri…” în regia lui Silviu Purcărete și i-a transmis un mesaj de felicitare Președintelui FITS, Constantin Chiriac, cel care joacă și rolul principal din spectacol.

Transmitem mai jos mesajul integral:

Dear Constantin,

Thank you for taking me on such a spectacular and heart-warming journey last night; you transported me and a room full of strangers to such a beautiful place with your voice, your towering figure and surrounded by your brilliant and dedicated colleagues.

I didn’t understand a word and yet I felt everything and followed you on each step of the journey. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of you to read the subtitles (more on that later), but I did from time to time to get the general feeling of the verse but really the images that all of you created were poetry enough for me.

What a dream team you have there!

And above all, there was you. So commanding and funny and light on your feet, you made it seem effortless and yet I know that it is not. I know what it takes to make theater and magic like this and I thank you again for touching not just my mind but my heart and my spirit. It was a land of dreams and beauty and moments that I’ll remember for a very long time.

It also made me jealous. When will I get you to direct you? When will I see you in one of my plays or adaptations? One day, I hope, but that’s for another time—right now I just say ‘thank you.’ One million times I ‘thank you’ for an evening unlike any other.


Hope to see you in town before I leave. I’m enjoying my work with students here and the shows I’m seeing at the festival.
